Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Precious Empire News: Lady Starlight Talks Fashion

Sasha Charnin Morrison, the fashion director for Us magazine talks fashion and gaga with lady starlight in her new book Secrets of Stylists: An Insider's Guide to Styling The Stars
Highlights from the interview:
Are you more interested in specific looks or specific designers?
"Most definitely specific looks! Designers don't interest me at all. I approach fashion from a socio-cultural perspective. I'm interested in what individuals have to say with their fashion choices. Fashion is the ultimate form of non-verbal communication. This is pretty obvious with sub-cultural fashion (which is my major are of interest), but everyone says something with his or her closes, even no statement is a statement."

When you first saw Lady GaGa what did you think? What did you want to enhance or strip away?
"She definitely had a great look already, but it was not as flamboyant as I thought it should be. She was in the music business from a young age, so she was surrounded by the boring, uncreative people in the industry. When we started working together and became friends, I gave her my insight and encouragement to just go for it.
What looks do you forecast for the near future?
"A return to Earth is inevitable. The futuristic, plasticine image that GaGa has made a trend can only be followed by the opposite. Warm, rich, earthy, relatable style, and personas will rule. I'm looking at Dark Side-era Pink Floyd and 2112 era Rush for inspiration at the moment…it's all about the '70s Arena Rock looks for me."

For the rest of the interview, you can purchase Sasha's book which is in store now! 

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